A foto é "meia boca" mas reparem a quantidade de rifles em exposição na loja Cabelas em Milwalkee-USA
sexta-feira, 31 de julho de 2009
quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2009
quarta-feira, 29 de julho de 2009
segunda-feira, 27 de julho de 2009
domingo, 26 de julho de 2009
3D MASTER 2009
301 Alon Barak Israel Trex 700
302 Nico Niewind Germany Mikado Logo 600
303 Tristan Balege France Trex 700
304 Dave Fisher UK Trex 700
305 Kjetil Strom Norway Trex 700
306 Jonathan Bossion France Trex 700
307 Dunkan Bossion France Trex 700
308 Eric Weber Germany Trex 700
309 Daniel Katzav Israel Trex 700
310 Andrea Puosi Italy Trex 700
311 Daniel Jetschin Germany Mikado Logo 6003D
312 James Dargue Australia Hirobo Turbulence
313 Young-Rok Son Korea MA Stratus 90
314 Pavel Kefurt Czech TT Raptor
315 Luigi Rungi Italy Trex 700
316 Dominik Haegele Germany Hirobo Turbulence
317 Duncan Osbourn UK Trex 700
318 Andreas Weber Germany Trex 600N
319 Lukas Riva Switzerland Trex 700
320 Kim Jensen Denmark Hirobo Turbulence
321 Adam Turner UK Outrage 90N
322 John O'Rourke Ireland Trex 700
323 Jukrawut mummaitree Thailand Outrage 90/50
324 Nicholas Maxwell USA Align 700
325 Tareq al Saadi UAE Hirobo Turbulence
326 Korawich Thongsri Thailand Trex700N
327 Theeradet Mahamontree Thailand Outrage 90
sexta-feira, 24 de julho de 2009
Interferência Futaba 2.4 no Spektrum DX5e - COM RESPOSTA
Leandro Chaves"
Turbine T-Rex 700 Helicopter (Esprit Model Custom Project):

Turbine T-Rex 700 Helicopter (Esprit Model Custom Project):
Here is David's latest helicopter project. He is installing one of the new Wren 44 turbines into a T-Rex 700 Nitro airframe. With the listed 6.8 horsepower output, this helicopter is sure to be fun. So far the frame modifications are almost complete and the fan shroud is just about fitted.
The T-Rex 700/Wren is just about ready to fly. All of the building is finally done. Everything turned out nicely. Only a bit of radio set-up is left to do. We have already started the engine and it works fabulously!! Everyone should have their own jet engine. A larger fuel tank will probably be in its future though. The current flying (wet) weight is 5.96Kg (13.15 lbs).
quinta-feira, 23 de julho de 2009
Clone do GY 401
Pelo que este retardadinho do vídeo abaixo voa o giro deve ser bom....
O site da loja é este: http://www.cnchelicopter.com
E o teste do giro é este: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=956825
Aproveitando, como é que eu coloco um hiperlink no blog???
Align Super Starter
Product 2: | |
Focus Shot: | |
Package1: | |
Package2: | |
Instructions: | Specification: |
● Ergonomically designed for optimal hand grip to prevent slippage, light weight, and easy to assemble/disassemble for transport ease. Suitable for fixed wing airplanes or helicopters, engine can be started with a simple one hand press on the button. ● Suitable for up to 50cc gasoline engine or 300 class nitro engine. ● Designed for user replaceable, common 450 heli sized 3S1P 1900~2300mAh/16c lipo batteries. Fully charged battery is capable of 500 starts and beyond. Battery packs are charged with any T-REX 450 battery chargers. ● Starting adaptor includes two pieces one way bearing design. ● High efficiency motor providing high starting power, and low reacting force. ● LED battery voltage indicator and over-discharge protection circuitry. ● Battery undervoltage protection. ● Overheating protection ● Protection against stalling by flooded torque overloading engine. | ●Suitable battery:Li-Po 3S1P 11.1V 1900~2300mAh 16C and above(maximum size 112x35x24mm) |
Accessories: | |
●Starter body x 1 ●Helicopter starting wand x 1 Option: Battery:3S1P 11.1V 1900~2300mAh 16C and above Li-Poly battery |
quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2009
terça-feira, 21 de julho de 2009
Cuidado: Futaba falsificado.
Futaba Japan released a notification last week that it's come to their attention there are counterfeit Futaba products on the market. Particularly the Futaba GY401 Gyro and Futaba S9254 tail servo are noted in the release. These products will obviously not have the same performance as genuine Futaba products.
The key thing to look for is the color of the pins in the servo connector. All Futaba products have gold pins in the connectors. The counterfeit products have silver pins. Another tell tell sign is the length of the grommet on the servo lead exiting the servo case. If the grommet is shorter then normal, it's a sign of a counterfeit.
These counterfeit products are typically sold out of Hong Kong and other parts of China, and are prolific on eBay. I highly suggest you purchase from authorized dealers and resellers. If the price is too good to be true, it usually is for a reason!
Here is a translation from Google Translate.
sábado, 18 de julho de 2009
Escala 1/9.
4 turbinas jetcat p-120, total de 108lbs empuxo.
peso 126kgs, incluindo 12,5 litros de querosene.
Envergadura 6,10 m, altura do leme 2 m.
sexta-feira, 17 de julho de 2009

Essa é uma ferramenta indispensável para o helimodelista
Raramente nos preocupamos em substituir a lona da embreagem
A lona da embreagem tem que ser substituída periodicamente para evitar transtornos futuros isso é uma regra para todos os helis nitro principalmente para quem voa forte onde o desgaste da lona é prematuro causando a quebra do clutch.
Ferramenta disponível no site (http://amproduct.jrcriacaodesite.com/products.php?product=EQ10356)
quinta-feira, 16 de julho de 2009
Viva a Futaba!!!!
Morram de inveja...