Looking for all of the performance and
features found on big name flybarless controllers at a fraction of the
cost? Look no further, the Mini FU-BAR has arrived!
holding power, pirouette optimization, support for just about any
swashplate type, and the ability to use DSM2 satellite receivers
(eliminating the need for a main receiver), the Mini FU-BAR has it all!
The only thing it doesn't have is the huge price-tag found on similar
name brand models.
The Mini FU-BAR doesn't come in a fancy box
or even include a user manual, but it's easy enough to find the info you
need to setup and use. The PC software is widely available online and
easy to use. A USB cable is included as well as gyro mounting pads and
receiver connection leads.
Some will love it and some will hate
it, but one thing is for sure...the Mini FU-BAR will provide the same
performance that you find on FBL systems costing more than 4 times the
Save your hard earned money and build more helis with the Mini FU-BAR!
Features: • Extremely lightweight - only 9.6g! • Excellent performance • Fully PC programmable • Satellite receiver support
*Note: The Mini FU-BAR is designed for use with digital servos only.
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